Exhibition Boards

You can view the exhibition boards from our event on 25 May here.

You can view our planning application for 100 Grays Inn Road on Camden Council’s website.

Please view our Statement of Community Involvement (detailing the public engagement that we did) and Design and Access Statement (detailing the design for the proposals) using the links below:

Statement of Community Involvement
Design and Access Statement

We know that not everybody has access to the internet, so all consultation materials will be made available in hard copy for those that would prefer. If you, or anyone you know, would like support accessing our communications or require translation, then please get in touch via the details on the ‘Contact Us’ page, and we would be happy to help.


Have Your Say

The survey is now closed, but if you have any further comments or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at

100GraysInnRoad@kandaconsulting.co.uk or 020 3900 3676.

Public exhibition

We have held three rounds of engagement:

  • A public meeting and follow-up door knocking session for immediate neighbours of the site – in September 2021
  • A public exhibition in December 2021
  • A follow up meeting and public exhibition in May 2022

Thank you for everyone that attended. It was great to hear the thoughts and feedback of the local community.

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Get in touch

If you have any questions about the project, please get in touch

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